Monday, June 6, 2011

More fun with my photos

Just me messing around some more with photos. I experimented a bit with layers and transparencies to create this. This is all a learn as I go process.

I'll be going to school soon for graphic design to learn more about how all this works. I'm super excited!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Having fun with the camera

I've been carrying my camera around with me more often lately and have been taking photos of whatever catches my eye. This time around, it happened to be my mother-in-law's beautiful bicycle. It has the most adorable little basket attached to the front. And although I didn't get any pictures of it, the paint job on the bike is a decorative, folk art theme. Think traditional German folk painting. Believe me when I say this bicycle is a one of a kind, unique way to get around town!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Wonderful day

Today was a very good day. My husband and I went for a walk down the river trail next to our apartment and it was so much fun. The weather was absolutely beautiful! We couldn't have asked for a better day. I took a lot of photos of plants and flowers and got a few nice shots. In the photo above, I used a digital frame from and aged the entire thing a little. The real highlight of our little adventure, however, was seeing all the goslings running around! There had to have been five families with about 3 dozen goslings. It was an amazing sight.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Owl Earrings

I was pretty darn tired when I got home from work tonight...but I promised myself that I would create something, no matter how exhausted I was. So I present to you an adorable pair of owl earrings! While I didn't actually create the owls (I bought them from the Beadniks store at the Mall of America), I did hang them on the ear loops. That counts, right? Right?!? Lol. I'll wear them to work tomorrow and think of something more elaborate for tomorrow night.